Tips and Tricks
After years of helping new mothers I have a few little tips that I'd love to share with everyone here and hope they help you as much as they have some of my mothers!
Pregnancy and Pre-Prep
My number one tip here is to learn how to use a swaddle before the baby arrives. Most babies I have worked with really benefit from a swaddle from the first days as it helps them recapture a sense of safety and security they had in the womb. A lot of people find using the swaddle a tricky knack, especially when they're adjusting and sleep deprived so I think there's a lot to gain by learning to use one before baby arrives. I like the Baby Mori stretch sheet as it has a bit of give and you can try it out on a pillow just to get the technique mastered.
Week One
Newborns can need feeding as much as every hour and this can come as a surprise to many new parents. Don't worry, by two weeks the feeds will usally start phasing out and as your baby grows the time between feeds will keep stretching so this frequency isn't forever.
Breastfeeding and Pumping
I am very proud of my track record so far of not having a single mother suffer from mastitis. Mastitis is caused by blocked milk ducts and can be incredibly painful and distressing for new mothers. My favourite lesser known tip is the use of sunflower lecthin supplements which help thin the fat in the milk, allowing it to pass through the ducts more easily. This is not a substitute for positioning, latch and frequently emptying the breasts, however for any mother who wishes to breastfeed or pump it is a useful addition that I recommend.
Sleep Training
This one is for the parents as much as the baby but discipline and consistency are the key here. Wake your baby up at the same time and put them down at the same time each day to help build a routine over time.
This can start from week one as it's a good habit to put your baby down in a bassinet or cot at least a few times a day to get them used to it as long as they are comfortable to do so.
Mother's Mental Health
In my experience the best way to protect your mental health after the birth is to have as clear an understanding of the choices and challenges that might come your way. I recommend reading Emily Oster's book 'Expecting Better' to prepare yourself with a range of useful facts, presented in a clear cut way and supported with evidence. Never forget that in order to look after your baby, you need to look after yourself first.